I have learned to embrace me, with all my faults. I have accepted my shortcomings, my flaws, and I can look in the mirror today and love the woman who is looking back at me. I give honor to God because prayer works and He kept me when I couldn’t have done it myself. He can do it for you if you believe. He is truly a comforter. I have been in some very dark places in my lifetime. You will read about them in this book. It took strength—GREAT STRENGTH—for me to gather the courage to share my story. I took solace in the fact that many of you have stories of your very own and maybe, just maybe, my story may help you through a dark place in your own life.
My pain was the birthplace of my purpose. Through the years and through much of the testimony you are about to read, I didn’t truly know myself. I didn’t value myself either. I kept hearing my family tell me, “It’s not all about you.” I really had no understanding of what was going on sometimes or how others perceived me, but I’ll tell you … during those dark moments when I thought I was completely lost, a little voice in my head always said, “I’m still working on you.” Most of the time, I didn’t listen. I kept doing things my way. I wasn’t allowing Him to mold me. I was set in my own understanding, but I had to set all that aside. I had to let go and let God. I chose happiness over pain. It was that simple.
Now, I have peace of mind, and I treat myself with the love and respect that I deserve. You have to love you first—before anyone else will. Love yourself. God told me that I am beautiful and I am more than a survivor now … I’m a conqueror.
So the thing you are doing right now—you know the thing that you know in your heart you shouldn’t be doing or the person that you are ALLOWING to have power over you—STOP. Just stop. Today. Choose yourself. Love yourself the way God loves you. Take a stance and decide that today is the day you are going to start down the path of change. Accept that help you turned away from yesterday. Affirm the opportunity you let slip through your fingers last week. Regain the strength we are all blessed with and do more than survive them people in your life. By the grace of God become a conqueror of your own happiness.
You can do it. I did it. I believe in you, and so does He.
-Thelma Lampkins